Optimalbody Master Plan: Let's Connect the Dots
As we near the end of our 21-Day Detoxification program, it is essential to start thinking about how to maintain the progress we have made and continue on a path of overall wellness. In our journey to optimal health and wellness, it's essential to integrate the various elements that work synergistically to support our bodies.
Comming soon ...
Key Lesson Concepts:
- Establish a regular exercise routine
- Incorporate Alkaline diet
- Practice mindfulness and stress-reducing techniques
- Get enough sleep
- Stay hydrated with alkaline water
- Practice castor oil packs
- Monitor and adjust self-care plan as needed
Alkaline weekly food template
The food template is based on 80% alkaline foods and only 20% acidic foods. this is the optimal ratio between acidic and alkaline foods.
Here is another weekly Alkaline food plan. I have provided most vegan recipes, so that you have tasty healthy options to choose from.