Creating Balanced Detox Meals

Learn how to Creat balanced alkaline meals

In this lesson, we will discuss the importance of creating balanced detox meals as part of your 21-Day Detoxification journey. Detox meals are essential for eliminating toxins from your body and promoting overall wellness.

When creating balanced detox meals, focus on including a variety of 80% alkaline and 20% acidic whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. use the PH chart and the list of foods provided in previous lessons.

Key Lesson Concepts:

  • Include a variety of alkaline whole foods in your detox meals
  • Avoid acidic processed foods, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol
  • Plan ahead, meal prep, and incorporate a rainbow of colors
  • Stay hydrated with water and herbal teas
  • Experiment with new recipes and ingredients
Coming soon weekly alkaline food chart ...

Weekly alkaline plan

Here is an example of my weekly alkaline plan. it gives you an idea of how you should be planing your alkaline meals. During this meeting we will go over the weekly planing so you feel more comfortable creating your won Alkaline /acidic weekly plan.

Weekly alkaline meals planner with more ideas for you

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